Lust is urgent, overpowering, and potent. While in real life readers may not always act every time desire calls, in fiction, they can abandon the safety of propriety to seek out lust and sex wherever they find them. The characters in Women in Lust may vary in the objects of their lust, and how they go about acting on it, but what connects them is that pure impulse for a lover. Sometimes he is someone she knows well, a boyfriend or a husband; in other stories, he is a stranger, and is desirable precisely because he represents the unknown. Whether watching a lover playing guitar, going out for a smoke or simply engaging in a chance encounter, these women seize the opportunities presented to them, and savor the lovers who teach them about themselves, helping open them up to new sensual possibilities.
Table of contents:
Introduction: Ladies Who Lust
Naughty Thoughts  Portia Da Costa
Guess  Charlotte Stein
Her, Him and Them  Aimee Pearl
Bayou  Clancy Nacht
Smoke  Elizabeth Coldwell
Bite Me  Lucy Hughes
Ride a Cowboy  Del Carmen
Queen of Sheba  Jen Cross
Hot for Teacher  Rachel Kramer Bussel
Unbidden  Brandy Fox
Something to Ruin  Amelia Thornton
Guitar Hero  Kin Fallon
Odeto a Masturbator  Aimee Herman
Orchid  JacquelineApplebee
Cherry Blossom  Kayar Silkenvoice
Rain  Olivia Archer
The Hard Way  JustineElyot
Strapped  K.D. Grace
Beneath My Skin  Shanna Germain
Comfort Food  Donna George Storey
Winner of IPPY (Independent Publisher) Bronze Award for Erotica