Fiddle music has long been a part of the American folk tradition, yet before the publication in 1973 of The Old-Time Fiddler’s Repertory by R. P. Christeson, little had been available in formal notation. Now, in a sequel to that book, Christeson provides scores for more than two hundred additional tunes, along with background information on the fiddlers from whom he has transcribed the music.
    As in the first book, Christeson has arranged the scores by musical type: breakdowns, organized by key; quadrilles, which some folks call jigs; miscellaneous pieces; and waltzes. Most of these tunes are from Missouri, fitting because the state is a leader in old-time fiddling, with numerous contests and active local associations promoting the music. Both volumes of The Old-Time Fiddler’s Repertory are outstanding collections in an attractive and useful form.