This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
For use in the Office Applications course. This book is also suitable for students and individuals seeking an introduction to Microsoft Outlook 2013.
The primary goal of the GO! Series, aside from teaching computer applications, is ease of implementation, with an approach that is based on clearly defined projects.
Country | USA |
Binding | Kindle Edition |
Edition | 1 |
EISBN | 9780133411720 |
Format | Kindle eBook |
Label | Pearson |
Manufacturer | Pearson |
NumberOfPages | 64 |
PublicationDate | 2013-09-24 |
Publisher | Pearson |
ReleaseDate | 2013-09-24 |
Studio | Pearson |