Overcome the latest clinical challenges in the emergency care of pediatric patients!Fleisher & Ludwig's Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine has long been acknowledged as the indispensible comprehensive clinical reference on diagnosing and managing emergent health issues in children. Now, a new editorial team and an all-star collection of contributing authorities have meticulously updated this essential work, bringing you
all of the most recent approaches to virtually any pediatric emergency you are likely to encounter in practice.
- A multitude of new chapters and comprehensive updates put the latest know-how at your fingertips, helping you to optimally manage young patients.
- A reorganized, streamlined table of contents and refined chapter template for medical emergencies, trauma, surgical emergencies, and behavioral health emergencies approaches pediatric emergencies the way you engage with them in practice.
- New clinical pathways section provide key steps for managing critical patients
- New related chapters feature in most chapters enables you to easily cross-reference content across chapters.
- New colorful design
Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled
interactive eBook edition , which can be downloaded to your
tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like:
- Complete content with enhanced navigation
- A powerful search that pulls results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
- Cross-linked pages , references, and more for easy navigation
- Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
- Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
- Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
- Online-only content includes e-figures, e-tables and additional resources
See the
inside front cover to find out how to
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